About the Book
A Spiritual Evolution is a story of transformation and growth — a journey from dogmatism and fear to freedom and love. With self-effacing humor and refreshing candor, John MacMurray examines the story of God he inherited from his “religious” family. What he uncovers are familiar and all too common distortions that shaped his view of God and crippled his spirit. Then, like a seasoned teacher, John probes our beliefs with a stream of relentless questions that had haunted him for years. Religious fears are exposed and assumptions topple like dominos promising a renewed sense of hope, joy, and freedom.
If you have been left holding the ashes of your deconstructed faith with nothing left to trust or love—then this book is for you.
The Monster
Under My Bed
The darkness of my room embraced me like a good friend. Stillness and quiet offered their soothing touch inviting me to rest. It was the perfect place to sleep. But a whisper of movement stirred me. Was that a sound I heard? Still groggy, I wasn’t sure. My eyes strained to see but failed to pierce the darkness. I held my breath, becoming perfectly still, listening even harder to detect the intruder. But the blackness only rewarded my effort with deafening silence. Frozen with fear, my heart pounded like an enormous tribal drum. Terrified it would reveal my presence; I squeezed my eyes shut, foolishly hoping that if I couldn’t see anything, then it couldn’t either. My five-year-old imagination, so often my gift, had become my enemy.
“A Spiritual Evolution is compelling, kind, humble and generous, as well as brilliant. I have many friends who I want to give this to.”
Wm. Paul Young
“I have been waiting for this book for years. If your heart longs to be alive and free, this book is a personal map. Beautiful!”
C. Baxter Kruger, Ph.D.
“The pastoral destination of John MacMurray’s amazing journey and his fatherly theology (is) God is a loving father—not a legalistic judge, not an avenging warrior, not a childhood night terror.”
Brad Jersak, Ph.D.
“A Spiritual Evolution is a gift to anyone who seeks God. In Socratic style, MacMurray relentlessly and honestly pursues questions that matter. I couldn’t put it down until I saw the story to the end.”
Geordie Ziegler, Ph.D.
“A Spiritual Evolution combines a lively mixture of candor and wit, Philadelphia street smarts, and an unsentimental devotion to Christ. The result is a fresh Trinitarian vision of human freedom, not as the pursuit of self-interest but as the freedom to be for the other.”
Roger J. Newell, Ph.D.

About the Author
For over forty-five years John MacMurray has taught Bible, Theology, and Photography in churches and schools serving in both staff and non-staff leadership roles. Known best for communicating with university age students—he has led college groups, served as an adjunct professor of Bible Literature, and taught for various schools and organizations internationally. A lifetime of teaching led John to start and direct the Northwest School of Theology and the Open Table Conferences.
Got Questions?
John would love to have this conversation with you personally. If you'd like to have him speak at your church, school or event, please reach out below. Or if you have any other questions, please reach out.